The climate in Mexico is more agreeable to me than in the NE US, but even more important is that the culture is less materialistic, with a greater emphasis on family, community and creativity rather than working and shopping which predominates in the US. Formerly a chemist, with “side careers” as a weaver and environmental educator, I am now enjoying retirement and travel.

Friday, May 22, 2009


This blog site is a part of my real life story that began in September 2003. That's when I packed my car and set off from MA, driving to Tepoztlan in  central Mexico to start a new life as a semi-retired expat. This opportunity came about in 1994, when I met G. at the Falcon Ridge Folk Festival, where I did volunteer work with children. G. told me that he lived part of the time in CT and the rest of the time in a commune in Mexico. He suggested I pay a visit.
